Sponsor SSP

Promote your business name in front of hundreds of potential clients and customers, and demonstrate your community support by becoming a South Shore Players’ sponsor.

To discover how your business may be recognized as an Annual Sponsor in 2025, click here.

For details on other fundraising activites, click here.

Sponsorship Levels

For additional details and/or questions about Annual Sponsorship email FundRaising@SouthShorePlayers.ca

Annual Sponsor Levels

Platinum ($3000+)
Gold ($1000-$2999)
Silver ($500-$999)
Bronze ($250-$499)

Become a Sponsor

Clicking the Sponsor Now button will enable you to make a payment towards our sponsorship fund.

NOTE: PayPal will process your payment using the payment option of your choice – debit/credit card or your PayPal account.  A PayPal account is not required.

Thank you

SSP extends a huge standing ovation to our current annual sponsors….